Friday, December 21, 2012

Holiday stress

I’ve been so busy I’ve fallen horribly behind on the entire holiday rush - it feels like it was December 2nd just yesterday. How did so much time pass?
The 2nd!  That’s when you won your game!  Good times.

The kids aren’t going to school, thanks to classes being let out for the holiday season, which makes everything just that much more stressful. I have to wait until Gordon is home before I can take the bus to go shopping for gifts, and of course, now that the kids are older, none of the old standbys work anymore. They want expensive gadgets and trips and iPhones and gaming consoles and games for the consoles - I don’t even know what half the things they asked for do.
“Waiting for the bus”

Steal a car you fucking pansy.

Christmas shopping is easy!

By a carton for Sarah and a whore for Brendan.

One who won’t recognize you from the job, of course.

That way they can share both gifts.

And I have Christmas dinner to worry about. I went to the grocery store and already, the only turkeys left are pathetic little things that will barely feed my family, I’m certain. I finally found a decently sized one, but since picking it up I’ve been even more sleepless, wondering when I’m going to find the time to cook it.

And wrapping - oh, god, I nearly forgot all about having to wrap the gifts. I may take another trip out and pick up gift bags, instead, and hope that everything will fit in those. They have some pretty large ones, I think...
Oh, here’s an idea.

She’s not been in the dirt that long.

We can taxidermy a toy for your son!

And for Gordon, we’ll give him the pictures I took of his TA and us.

what what pictures did you take
I’m finally breaking you down.

I talk about taxidermy-ing Jill for your son to fuck.

And you’re worried I might have evidence of a certain college student going down your chimney with care.

shut up I am not anything like you

Just get rid of those pictures.
That’s fine.

Besides that’s pretty much the tamest thing I’ve made you do.

Did you know you’re a kinky little slut when you put your mind to it?

I’m too stressed to deal with you right now. Do this after the holidays.

I have a condition.

I’ll leave you alone.

I won’t even type when you update this dumb little journal.

If you do this for me.

Depends what.
I’ll wait until Christmas to screw with you, if, when it’s done, you go to a bar and humiliate yourself.

Bonus points if you end up going home with someone after.

You promise?

fine I promise

you’ll just make me do it anyway if I don’t

It learns.

Oh, and Lyndsay?

Merry Christmas.

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